Rapid Re-Housing: An Introduction

4 modules


Course Length
2 hours

Rachel Pearsall



The only thing that ends homelessness is housing. In this course, learn the basics of Rapid Re-Housing (RRH), an evidence-based best practice for connecting people experiencing homelessness with permanent housing and supporting them in their path toward housing stability. This course will be useful for anyone establishing, improving, or working within an RRH program. 


Your objectives in this course will be to:

  • Adopt best practices related to housing identification, rental assistance, and case management 
  • Set goals and establish measurements for your Rapid Re-Housing work 
  • Set your RRH work up for success 


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Completion

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Rapid Re-Housing: An Introduction
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Added 2 days ago, by Virginia
Added 2 days ago, by Jevita
Added 3 days ago, by Ashley
Added 3 days ago, by Anonymous
Added 4 days ago, by Luke
Added 4 days ago, by Seneuefa
This course was a great source of information for remedial training in RRH.
Added 4 days ago, by Irma
Added 6 days ago, by princess
Added 9 days ago, by Philip
great course
Added 10 days ago, by Shelly

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